Your Buying Guide to Used Inflatable Boats For Sale: What to Watch Out For! 

Inflatable boats come in a variety of designs and are quite pricey recreational fishing and sailing boats. Hypalon and PVC are the two most widely used materials in the construction of these boats. Although the former is more expensive than the latter, PVC inflatable boats are also very pricey. Because of this, many people, among other things, are unable to go sailing.

If cost is a problem for you, used inflatable boats for sale give you a chance to own your boat. You could save up to 40%–50% on the price of a boat if you buy a secondhand one, depending on its age, size, and construction. However, there are dangers present. Here’s the ideal buying guide for you if you plan on purchasing one. 

1. Only buy from trusted people 

You cannot just trust any source when it comes to buying used inflatable boats. It’s common for buyers to be opportunistic and put in an offer the moment they see a used inflatable boats for sale just because it’s cheap. Unfortunately, the reality is only a few people end up with a good boat, and the rest regret buying soon after getting it. 

It’s risky to purchase used boats from an unreliable dealer. In addition to not knowing the boat’s condition, you run the risk of purchasing a stolen boat. The best course of action is to purchase it from a reputable vendor. Among the most reliable sources are:

  • Hardware store
  • Online 
  • Used boats returned to the seller 

2. Cross-examine the age

The cost of a used inflatable boat varies depending on the age of the boat. Generally, boats come with 10 to 15 years of lifespan. If properly maintained over the course of time, the boats might last longer.  Hence, there’s no point in paying for a boat that has got very little shelf life. 

Now you must wonder how to figure out its age. Well, all you need to do is check out the HIN number of the used inflatable boats for sale. You can find it boldly written on the inflatable boat’s body. Usually, it has a meaningful serial number stretching to 12 characters. The first three characters represent the manufacturer’s identification, the next three are the vessel’s serial number, and the final three represent the manufacturer’s date and certification. The transom is typically where HIN numbers are placed.

3. Assess the fabric

You must be aware of the material used. More durable textiles exist than others. Modern PVC or Hypalon made inflatable boats come at a variety of prices. PVC and Hypalon both decay over time, although hypalon is far more resistant to UV radiation than PVC is. PVC also degrades more quickly. If you want to purchase a Hypalon boat, be aware that the price will be higher, even if it is used.

4. Past repairs 

Inquire about whether there has been any repair performed on the used inflatable boats for sale. Doesn’t matter if the seller says that no repairs were done before. Don’t take him seriously! Most used inflatable boats have been fixed, and it’s extremely uncommon to discover one whose owner hasn’t done so at some point.

You may want to reconsider your decision to purchase the boat if you see that the repair was not done correctly or that there are multiple repair sites. This indicates that the owner has a poor maintenance culture. This is because an area or spots that were improperly repaired will need to be fixed again, and investing more money in repairs will not be a wise decision.

5. Climate condition 

Your local climate is also important. PVC is preferable for warm regions, while Hypalon is better in colder climates. Although you can use any vessel everywhere, you might think about it before making your decision.

6. Check every part

The next best thing you should do is check every part of the used inflatable boats for sale. There are a lot of parts of the boat that needs your attention. Following are the parts you should scrutinize before you make the final decision to purchase it:

  • Tubes
  • Seams
  • Hull
  • Transom 

7. Is there a warranty?

You’ll be surprised to learn that several retailers offer warranties on the boats they sell. A surefire approach to protect your investment is to purchase from a merchant like that. By doing this, you can avoid having to pay for repairs soon after purchasing it. Even some sellers provide their customers with discounted repairs. This can also enable you to cut expenditures.


We hope this guide can help you navigate this risky endeavor of buying used inflatable boats for sale. Just stick to the tips mentioned above, and you’ll land the best-used boat at a fair price. Become a wise buyer and bag value for the money spent. 

Dux Boats is the most trusted source for you to buy used inflatable boats for sale that doesn’t compromise quality. Embark on your next water adventure without having to spend a lot of money on brand-new inflatable boats. For more details about the purchase, reach out to us via mail at or call us at +1 (833) 389-2628.